The Cape Town Tygerberg Football Association is pleased to announce it has finally received a Tax Clearance Certification from the SARS.
Speaking after confirming the news, the Association’s treasurer Charlton Jansen had this to say: “The amount of work to get all outstanding issues resolved took us six months to resolve at SARS.
“The issues to resolve were things like Tax returns for 12 years outstanding, EMP501’s and IRP’s outstanding since 2004. We attended various meetings at SARS to activate all the relevant information.”
The news is a big step forward for the Association who can now utilise this as a means to attract corporate sponsorship in the future.
Jansen continued: “It might seem like a simple process, or a simple document to get, but I can assure you it was anything but, and I am happy to have secured it for us.
“We can proudly display this to our member clubs, other LFA’s, potential sponsors, donors, etc etc.”