The CTTLFA Management Committee proactively met on 03 February 2021 to engage and debate robustly on how we plan to reopen CTTLFA football structures. The management committee herewith puts forward its phased approach for a resumption of football once the Government Gazette has been published and it is safe to resume through permission from SAFA National / SAFA Cape Town; provided it is done so in line with the regulations as stipulated by Government at the time.

While we understand this is a fluid situation, we will do our best to adapt to the circumstances as and when they change, but for now the CTTLFA Management Committee believes that this is a workable solution with achievable goals and objective decision making.

Under the current instruction from the mother body, SAFA National, amateur football in South Africa is unable to resume at an amateur level until the introduction by Government of a Level 1 lockdown in line with the Government Gazette as published previously which stipulated the Level 1 guidelines for amateur sport.

Notwithstanding the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and the impact on clubs and members – both financially and emotionally – it is imperative that our Management Committee consider all avenues to prepare itself for a resumption of football when the time is right.

Although the current Adjusted Level 3 lockdown is set to expire on 15 February 2021, the country may only revert to any form of amateur football once an announcement has been made by President Ramaphosa and the relevant Cabinet minister(s).

With the above in mind, we hereby propose the below and encourage clubs to submit their comments and feedback to in the hope we can ratify this at an upcoming CTTLFA General Meeting on 17 February 2021.

PHASE ONE: Duration: 4 Weeks

  • Government Published Gazette and SAFA National confirm the resumption of football
  • CTTLFA Management meet no later than 24-48 hours after publishing of Gazette 
  • CTTLFA notify clubs of the implementation of Phase One within 72-hours of Gazette being published
  • CTTLFA Staff to open within 5-7 days of the publishing of Gazette
  • Clubs begin non-contact training for a period of four (4) weeks where clubs should focus their training on strength, fitness, overall player conditioning keeping in mind players have likely last played competitive amateur football in September 2019.
  • Clubs may begin registration in line with the CTTLFA Covid19 registration protocols which shall be published at this time.
  • Clubs to notify CTTLFA within two weeks of Phase One resumption as to what teams they will enter for the upcoming competition period.

PHASE TWO: Duration: 2 Weeks

  • CTTLFA notify clubs of the implementation of Phase Two
  • CTTLFA notify clubs of the competitive structure which shall be adopted for Mini, Junior and Senior football at the start of Phase Four.
  • Clubs begin internal contact training for a period of two (2) weeks in order to prepare for the return to play.

PHASE THREE: Duration: 2 Weeks

  • CTTLFA notify clubs of the implementation of Phase Three
  • Clubs may play friendlies provided all Covid19 protocols are adhered to; of which the same should be stipulated by CTTLFA in the notification of the implementation of Phase Three.

PHASE FOUR: Duration: until October 2021

  • CTTLFA notify clubs of the implementation of Phase Four
  • Clubs may participate in all forms of competitive football provided all Covid19 protocols are adhered to; of which the same should be stipulated by CTTLFA in the notification of the implementation of Phase Three.

In closing, we wish to share our condolences with those who have lost loved ones during the past year and throughout the pandemic. We call on all our members to continue abiding by the Covid-19 safety guidelines in a bid to limit the spread of coronavirus in our communities.

Yours in Football,

CTTLFA Management Committee